January 30, 2024

Goal Setting 2024: Tips for Motivation and Long-Term Success

Posted by Health Hispanica
Woman running in the park with arms up in celebration

The final days of January are upon us. Are you in the 80% who have already given up on their New Year’s resolutions? Or perhaps you didn’t make any, knowing you may bail. Maybe you’ve embraced the growing trend of using January as a trial period for the year, with plans to set goals in February. Wherever you find yourself, we’d like to offer some advice for success in 2024: reframe the idea of resolutions into goals.

Goals: The building blocks toward health and happiness

Goals are what keep us going, on track, and help us find deeper fulfillment and satisfaction in life. They assist us in achieving important tasks related to health, career, and relationships. Additionally, studies show that people who continually set goals are healthier and happier, as a goal-setting mindset affects physical and mental health.

Goal Setting vs. Daydreaming

Daydreaming allows you to think of big possibilities without considering consequences. It's fun and can be a useful tool for creativity and entertaining ideas. Goal setting, on the other hand, is the practical counterpart that moves you toward success. It involves making a concrete plan with actionable steps to turn dreams into reality. The key difference between daydreamers and achievers is often overthinking. The best thing you can do is just dive in, even if it feels uncomfortable. One step forward, even if it's messy, is far better than standing still and doing nothing. If you want to say you've gone skydiving, at some point, you've got to jump out of the plane.

Tangible Tips for Achieving Goals

1.   Find Your Why

Discovering the emotional component that sparks desire and drives you to the finish line is known as finding your “why”. If you don’t resonate with yourwhy,” your goal is probably already a sinking ship. For instance, consider the common goal of getting in shape. If your “why” is “my spouse says I need to lose 10 pounds,” you've already lost. This external pressure lacks inner motivation and will likely lead to resentment. However, if you change your “why” to “I want to have more energy to play with my kids and be in good health as they become adults,” you have a more positive and meaningful reason to hit the gym a few times a week.

2.   Make a SMART Goal

A SMART goal is not simply a good idea. SMART is an acronym for attainable goal setting: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. It was originally developed as a way to write management objectives in the 80s, however, it has become a mainstream tool to view and achieve goals of all types. Every goal should be:

  • Specific: make it simple and sensible. Instead of saying “I want to get in shape”, a specific goal would be, “I want to lose 15 pounds.”
  • Measurable: Measurable goals allow you to track your progress. This helps you see how far you’ve come and know when you’ve succeeded. For example, you’ll know you’ve hit your goal when the scale shows a 15-pound weight loss.
  • Achievable: Set a goal that challenges you but is still realistic considering your constraints. Look at the full picture: What will it take to accomplish? Are there any major constraints (think financial or physical)? Goals should challenge you and stretch your abilities but still be possible and realistic.
  • Relevant: Ensure your goal matches your needs and is worthwhile in the moment. This goes back to your “why”. Make sure your goal aligns with values and reality. Maybe you do want to learn a new language, but your wife is about to have a new baby. Now may not be the right time to commit two hours a day to online lessons. Focus on what is most important right now, and if necessary, revisit your goal in 6 months to a year.
  • Timebound: Implement and commit to timestamps to stay on track. First, decide when you want to achieve your goal. Then create a roadmap of each step to get there. Ask yourself where you want to be in 3 months, what you should be doing in one month, and most importantly, what can you do right now, today.

3.   Break Your Goal into Micro Goals

Anything is achievable when broken into micro goals. Say you want to run a 5K. It may seem daunting and overwhelming, especially if you’ve never done it before. But instead of focusing on crossing the finish line on race day, focus on what's expected of you today. Maybe in 6 months, you’ll run a 5K. Maybe in 3 months, you’ll be able to run 1 or even 2 miles. But you don’t need to think about that. Today you need to put on your running shoes and walk one mile. Putting your energy into today’s one goal makes it much more attainable.

*Learning mindfulness is a crucial life skill – especially when it comes to goal setting. Don’t get overwhelmed by thinking too big. Focus on today, plan for tomorrow. Nothing more. Start slow, keep it simple, and follow the steps day by day.

4.   Track Your Progress

Simply writing down goals increases the chances of achieving them by 42%. Tracking your progress not only acts as motivation but also helps you monitor your progress and adjust if needed. For example, if you plan to run a 5K in 6 months but find yourself ready even sooner, you can adjust your roadmap: either find the next 5K available or start training for the 10K at the original date. Or maybe that goal to lose 15lbs is in limbo. You’re working hard, feeling good, and looking great. But because muscle weighs more than fat, you’re losing inches but not weight. At this point, you reassess success and realize you’re winning even if the metrics of the original goal aren’t being met. At this point, you can shift your focus to tracking daily goals and inches. Monitor results by how clothes fit rather than the number on a scale.

5.   Find Accountability

A support group is one of the greatest life hacks to achieve almost any goal. As humans, we have a tendency to make excuses for ourselves and backpedal away from greatness. External motivation helps keep us on course. Establish a team of confidants – friends, family, or an online support group – and be honest with them about your goals. Ask for their support and be open to their feedback. Chances are that the praise you receive from sticking to your micro goals will be enough to fuel your momentum, especially when others are keeping score.

6.   Celebrate Successes

Taking time to acknowledge and celebrate success reinforces confidence and amplifies motivation. It also taps into a fundamental aspect of motivation and brain chemistry: dopamine. Celebrating victories triggers the release of dopamine, the “feel-good” neurotransmitter. This creates positive feedback loops in our brain. Essentially, by celebrating small wins, we are rewiring our brain to crave that same reward, motivating us to continue our efforts. So, take time to celebrate–it’s not just a pat on the back; it’s a neurological boost that will help you keep up the good work!

Boost Your Success with Supplements and Vitamins

Incorporating supplements and vitamins into your routine can provide valuable support in achieving your goals. The right supplement can help with managing stress, improving sleep quality, boosting energy levels, and enhancing focus and cognitive function. Moreover, maintaining good health through proper nutrition and supplementation can create a strong foundation for success, making it easier to reach your desired outcomes. Here are our top recommended supplements to support your goals this year:

Kick Stress to the Curb: Stress Supplements such as Relax+™, Ashwagandha+™, and B-Complex support the brain and nervous system for improved stress response, tension relief, and positive mood.

Say Goodnight to Sleep Issues: Sleep Supplements like Dormimax™ and Valerian Root promote restful and restorative sleep so you can tackle your daily micro goals like a champ.

Put Some Pep in your Step: Energy Supplements promote a boost of physical energy and stamina. Try Maca Andina™, Ginseng Complex™, or Green Tea Extract for the oomph you need to unleash your potential.

Sharpen Your Focus: Cognition & Memory Supplements support brain function, mental energy, and concentration. Give your goals the undivided attention they deserve with Ginkgo Biloba Extract or Cognitive Complex™.

Shifting your focus from resolutions to goals can make a significant difference in your ability to stick with healthy habits. Instead of just focusing on what you want to achieve in the end, be present and diligent in making small strides in the moment. Remember, it's not about perfection but progress. Embrace the journey, celebrate small wins, and keep moving forward. You've got this!

Your Hispanic American Health Store

Health Hispanica® is a Hispanic-American health store specializing in supplements from Hispanic-American-owned brands such as Natura-Genics® and Yerba Farma®. We strive to provide quality and innovative supplements at fair prices and educate our clients and community on healthy living.

The statements above have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Posted in ashwagandha B-complex brain health cognition and memory supplements cognitive health energy supplements ginkgo biloba ginseng goals Health & Wellness maca root mental health physical health sleep supplement stress supplements valerian root wellness

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